Sunday, October 5, 2008

My Least Favorite Things

Pop and Country music. If you can call it music. Generic and unoriginal, where each song sounds the same as the last. I mentioned pop music being "Flavor of the Week" and that's exactly what it is, you get that one song, by that one artist *coughRhiannacough* being played eleventeen times per hour on FoxFM and it makes my ears want to bleed. You know, the top hits crap that gets played at socials *coughMileyCyruscough* and everyone thinks its so cool, because they're tanked out of their minds. (Not like I'd know, though, right?) The next thing you know they're winning MTV Music awards for what? A catchy beat and on par vocals? Thats nothing. I admire a band for their musical talent, not their looks or their "cool" music videos, anybody can whip up a digitally mastered beat and such, and then sing along. Music is playing in a band, not singing along to a stupid beat and digital effects. That's my piece on pop music, I just think that its all the same, and it just seems to follow a trend - a trend that I want no part of, and that no music lover should be part of, either. Now on to country. I DISGUST country. This is where every single song sounds exactly like the last. Some stupid, poser, lookalike cowboy playing either a weepy tale about some lost lover or an upbeat tune about drinking whisky with the boys. It's all been done, guys, just hang up the hat and turn up the distortion on your amp, that's where it's at today. Anyway, I can't stand the sound of country music, the fact that you can't tell one from the other doesn't help the matter. Not that I care enough to tell the difference. Those are pretty much my least favorite kinds of music. Again, if you want to call them that.


Kevin D A Jones said...

Ever consider that you don't recognize one country tune from the other because you don't spend the time listening to each song? I get that you don't relate to the themes, but be careful not to rag on something b/c of their stereotypes.

I would say the same could be argued about your POP music issues - there is much bad music out there being played on the radio, don't get me wrong, but there is some great pop music out there if you're willing to find it. Try some Billy Joel, Michael Jackson, or Beach Boys.

You do a great job trying to compel me into thinking that pop and country (not my favorite genre, either) are terrible....I'd just encourage you to paint with finer strokes next time. For example, Paris Hilton is a crummy Pop artist, but try listening to the Arcade Fire.

I was entertained (and compelled to write a fierce retort). Kudos!


Kevin D A Jones said...

check out my blog for examples:

Janel said...

Logan, there are something I agree with you on in this blog, but there are some I don't.
Like Jones stated, you probably can't tell one song from another because you don't really listen to country music that often. I was raised on country music and at a time I could tell a song just by the first 5 seconds of the song. Now that I don't listen to it as often, I do find it harder to tell each song from another. But for me, the same can be said for metal music. I find it hard to recognize one some from another sometimes unless it is some really stand out riff. Not that I hate metal, it just seems hard to tell some of them apart, but that can be said for just about any genre.
Another thing is if you really start listening to country (not saying you have to, but if you were to) that you would notice that not all the songs are about pick up trucks, and your girlfriend leaving you and things like that (though to be honest quite a few are). Like any genre of music, it usually takes some digging to find an awesome artist or band that actually sings about something you like.
Now I agree with most of the points you made about pop music. So many of the songs in pop music are the "flavor of the week". This really bugs me because there are actually some really awesome pop acts out there, but they don't get a fair amount of "press" when you got people like Britney and Rihanna just burning up the charts with some song a 10 year old could have come up with (like really , Umbrella, ella, ella, eh eh?). That really makes me wonder why people buy into a lot of the stuff that some artists are selling. And it is very true that radio and TV ruin what could be an awesome song by playing it every hour. But like I said, it just takes sime searching. I try not to buy into what the media is telling me about pop music, and make my own choices, and it's good to see that you are too.