Sunday, October 26, 2008

Rant #1

My rant is going to be about people who go to concerts and do stupid things such as drink or do drugs. First off, why do it? Drugs and alcohol are stupid to begin with. Why would you go and do these things at a concert which you probably paid good money for? It just seems to me that if you want to really enjoy something, you should do it sober. There were so many people that just stood outside the arena at Lenny while the opening band played and drank. What a stupid waste of money. Isn't it about 7 dollars for a beer? Say you have a couple and get buzzed, or have too many and get drunk, you've just about spent or spent more than what you've already paid for the concert ticket. Not only is it a giant waste of money, it's embarassing and rude to other people who are trying to enjoy the concert. Nobody wants beer spilt on them when they're trying to enjoy some exceptional music. I think if you're going to drink, go do it at a bar or at your house, don't ruin the experience for other people, just for your own enjoyment. Now to drugs, even stupider in my opinion, if not as noticeable. Drugs are bad, plain and simple. Why would you want to do a bad thing while enjoying something good? You're probably not going to remember what happened anyway, so why do the stuff? I think if you pay good money for something, and you want to have a good time, just bring some friends along instead of doing something stupid like drugs.

1 comment:

Josh said...

I totally agree, people are so dumb when it comes to concerts, like I here all these stories from people coming from concerts and they're always like, "..auh man i got so wasted at the concert/so high at the concert i don't remeber a thing.." Well what the hell was the point of going. To do something that you could have done at home for free. Dumb People!!