Monday, December 1, 2008

Thoughts On Music Technology #2

Thirteen weeks already, man... I think things are going a lot better in class. We get the office to ourselves more often, so that helps a lot for getting stuff mastered on Cubase. Yeah, I don't really have any complaints about the class, nothing I haven't enjoyed, it's just the fact that I have to get my butt in gear, I'm kinda falling behind in the class. I guess I'm a procrastinator because if it weren't for the deadlines for the blogs, none of them would be done by now. So, the thing that is the most challenging for me would have to be staying focused in class and getting stuff done out of class.

I really enjoy doing the myspace page, I think that's a cool idea, the hard part is getting time to talk to Liplock, with them being in first block. Just one thing though, I'm not sure exactly what you're expecting from the myspace, do you want us to make it just like real bands myspace, or is there some specific outline we should be following? That's the only thing I'm not sure about for the myspace. I still really enjoy doing lights at the shows, next time I'm going to listen to all the tracks the bands are doing so I can plan out the lights better than just making stuff up. I like mastering stuff, but I'm still sort of unsure about exactly what to do, and it's difficult, because only one person can do it at once in class.

All in all, the class is going alot better than the last time I wrote about my thoughts on Music Technology.

1 comment:

Kevin D A Jones said...

Logan - glad to hear things are going better for you.

Some thoughts: you may have to get a few minutes excused from class to come and talk with Liplock for your Myspace Page. It is far easier to get one student moved than to pull five of them to come in block 4.

As far as the content of Myspace is concerned, I want you to create a usable page that will convey band information, upcoming gigs, and to post some recordings. Create a site that can be a center for potential fans - this may take on the format of established bands' pages, it may not (depending on your familiarity with html and css).

As I told Caitlin - experience is key when using a new software program. You will need to think of what you want the program to do, and then consult either the help file or myself when you come across something you can't do. Learning skills in context is a far greater teacher than learning skills out of context.

Good blog, if a bit short.
