Monday, September 15, 2008

What is Music?

Music, to me, is something that sounds good to you. Music can be very melodic or something completely dissonant, and there are lovers and haters for each side, but the thing is, somebody out there likes it. It may seem like nobody likes you Lindsay, but out there, someone ACTUALLY does. My kind of music is something that involves a traditional rock band instrumentation. Preferably two guitars, though. Some people really enjoy pop music, and there's nothing wrong with that, I just find it too easy to listen to. I very much enjoy the technical aspects of music. I enjoy pop music the occasional time, but for me it`s not something that you can listen to consistently, its a little too "Flavor of the Week" For me, music has to be very unique to catch my attention, that's probably why I listen to what I do - I dare you to try and find another band that sounds like Protest the Hero. Originality is something that is a great deciding factor in my listening choices. I use music in my daily life all the time, I can't even drive a vehicle without having my music going, I often wake up to my music, listen to it in class - I'm listening to it right now. I think the most important thing that makes something music is that it makes you feel good, or not so good, depending on you want it to make you feel like. That's what music is to me.

1 comment:

Kevin D A Jones said...

Something that sounds good to me - like a cheeseburger?

I like how you go into so much detail when it comes to defining what music is to you - and what isn't as much. Some may balk at your description of pop as being flavour of the week, though I certainly agree that it ebbs and flows with current trends....or doesn't metal?

20-30 years ago, as metal was coming up, it was thrash metal. The best example I know well is Metallica - just listen to their pre Black-album stuff like Ride the Lightning or ...and Justice for All. metal then was defined by fast guitars, high vocals and solos, and a deep bass end with double bass drum and loud bass guitar. FF to today - what is metal now? With all the sub-genres of metal, metal can pay homage to that old stuff, or it can innovate with different uses of the voice (screaming), drums (listen to trivium lately? all double kicks and chinese cymbal), and image.

Metal guys now are nothing like the leather-clad, tattooed, black t-shirt wearers of the '80's. And, let's not get into glam metal acts like Poison, Motley Crue, and Twisted Sister....

Metal is all about rebelling - and if that's something you like and can relate to, kudos....throw on your black t, snakebite lip rings, or combat boots, and join the club! Rebellion from the norm is originality.
